We, the undersigned, are opposed to further urban sprawl locally and the merging of communities surrounding Wrexham. It will increase traffic congestion and pollution, put additional pressure on schools, health services and other infrastructure.
Rydan ni, yr isod, yn gwrthwynebu codi mwy o dai ar dir glas o amgylch Wrecsam. Bydd yn cynnyddu problemau traffig a llygredd yn ogystal a chynnyddu pwysau ar ein ysgolion, gwasanaethau iechyd ac isadeiladedd.
Who's signing
John Faragher
Rob Jones
Tracey Mitchell
Arfon Jones
Carol Jones
jan ashley
Lewis Thomas
Richard Thomas
Leeann Fleet
Natalie Edwards
Pat Collis
Hayley Atakan
Shaun Purdie
Gareth Robinson
kevin smith
Sharon Farmer
Tara Thomas
Trevor Taylor
Rhodri Nicholas
Michael Williams
Martin Phillips
brian fitzpatrick
Kevin Jones
Verity Donnelly
Glenys Taylor
Nigel Shepherd
Susan Loose
Anouchka Huber
David Salisbury
Dorcas Jarvis
240 signatures