
Protect Summerhill's Green Space


A formal application for outline planning permission has now been submitted to Wrexham Council, which you can view here by searching with the Case Number P/2020/0151 :

In 2016, an application for 59 houses on this site and adjoining fields was refused by Wrexham Council, and then again on appeal to the Planning Inspectorate (Case Number P/2016/0738). Factors such as traffic and flooding/drainage were considered, but it was refused mainly because it extended the village boundary into green barrier. It was described by the Inspector as “an illogical addition to the development of Summerhill” which would be “materially detrimental to the landscape and townscape character” of the area. 

Nothing has changed!

Re-submitting the application bit by bit still breaches the village boundary and is still illogical.

If you agree, please sign our open letter to Wrexham Council and the developers to protect our open space - click here 


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Kronospan Chirk

The fire at Kronospan in Chirk is the most serious in a series of recent incidents at the plant. Despite numerous fires and the concerns of local residents, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) only brought in mobile air quality monitoring equipment on January 15th.

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No to urban sprawl in Wrexham


Please sign our petition to prevent further urban sprawl, which will see green fields around Wrexham concreted over for thousands of new homes that aren't needed. We need to build housing for local need rather than developers' greed.

The plan above if for 450 homes on the circus field - one speculative development that will have a huge impact on schools, health services and other services as well as traffic and congestion.

Further plans for huge new housing schemes on the Ruthin Road (1500 houses) and Cefn Road (1580) as well as existing schemes in Ruabon (319) and Llay (365) will mean more urban sprawl and the destruction of green barriers between our communities. It will also mean the loss of Best and Most Valuable agricultural land at a time when we need more, not less, food security.

Please sign this open letter to the Welsh Government and Wrexham Council to show your opposition:

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We support the Racecourse Regeneration to create a 5,000-seater stand with appropriate conferencing and exhibition facilities on Crispin Lane as part of a wider masterplan for the Mold Road Gateway. 

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Nurse Rotas

Betsi Cadwaladr health board has engaged expensive consultants to come up with a brainwave to save money:  Extend nurses' shifts by an extra half hour without pay.
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Countess of Chester Hospital - reverse decision to bar patients from Wales

We call on the Countess of Chester Hospital Foundation Trust to reverse its decision to bar patients from Wales from new outpatient referrals. The unilateral ban on Welsh patients is unethical and goes against the values of the NHS. There is a financial dispute that needs to be resolved urgently between various NHS bodies and they must act immediately to end this stalemate. In the meantime we demand that patients are allowed to access services at the Countess of Chester Hospital.

Please sign here

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Oppose dumping nuclear waste in Wrexham

The Labour Welsh Government along with their Conservative counterparts in London are asking communities across Wales to consider accepting nuclear waste in return for money.


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