16,600 people in Wrecsam will now miss out on Winter Fuel Payments due to the UK Labour Government's decision to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance for all but those on Pension Credits. Almost one third of households in Wales will be affected in total.
Limiting the Winter Fuel Allowance to those on pension credit will mean that the vast majority of pensioners currently living below the poverty line will lose out.
55,000 pensioners in Wales are eligible for Pension Credits but are not currently taking up that benefit, 1,600 of them in Wrecsam. Taking away this critical payment of up to £300 annually is directly putting at risk pensioners' ability to heat their homes this winter.
The 'End Fuel Poverty Coalition' have estimated that 4,950 excess winter deaths in the UK were caused by living in cold homes during winter 2022/23.
With energy bills set to rise by an additional £149 this October and possibly further in January, the decision to cut this payment for such a vulnerable group is unacceptable and will have a detrimental on the health and well-being of a significant number of households in our borough.
Bydd cyfyngu'r Lwfans Tanwydd Gaeaf i'r rhai ar gredyd pensiwn yn golygu y bydd y mwyafrif helaeth o bensiynwyr sy'n byw o dan y llinell dlodi ar hyn o bryd ar eu colled.
Mae 55,000 o bensiynwyr yng Nghymru yn gymwys ar gyfer Credyd Pensiwn ond nid ydynt yn derbyn y budd-dal hwnnw ar hyn o bryd. Mae 1,600 ohonynt yn Wrecsam. Mae cymryd y taliad hollbwysig hwn o hyd at £300 y flwyddyn oddiar bensiynwyr yn peryglu eu gallu i gynhesu eu cartrefi dros y gaeaf.
Mae’r ‘End Fuel Poverty Coalition’ wedi amcangyfrif bod 4,950 o farwolaethau ychwanegol yn y gaeaf yn y DU wedi’u hachosi drwy fyw mewn cartrefi oer yn ystod gaeaf 2022/23.
Gyda biliau ynni i godi £149 yn ychwanegol ym mis Hydref ac o bosibl ymhellach ym mis Ionawr, mae’r penderfyniad i dorri’r taliad hwn ar gyfer grŵp mor fregus yn annerbyniol a bydd yn cael effaith andwyol ar iechyd a llesiant nifer sylweddol o aelwydydd yn ein bwrdeistref.
We the undersigned condemn the recent decision by the UK Labour Government to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance. We call on the UK Labour Government to halt the proposed cuts with a view to ensuring the most vulnerable in our society are not put at risk due to the loss of this critical payment.
Mae’r isod yn condemnio penderfyniad diweddar Llywodraeth Lafur y DU i dorri’r Lwfans Tanwydd Gaeaf. Rydym yn galw ar Lywodraeth Lafur y DU i atal y toriadau arfaethedig gyda golwg ar sicrhau nad yw’r rhai mwyaf bregus yn ein cymdeithas mewn perygl oherwydd colli’r taliad hollbwysig hwn.