Petition hosted on behalf of local residents.
We the undersigned oppose the proposed Redrow Housing Development at Lower Berse Farm. It is environmental vandalism.
1.I object to between 1000 and 3000 cars on the Lower Berse Farm site polluting the local atmosphere and congesting Ruthin Road, Bersham Road, Berse Lane and the A483 junction.
2. I object to a large building development compressing land prone to flooding and encouraging flooding and structural damage to existing local properties.
3. I object to prime agricultural greenbelt land being used for housing when there are significant areas of open and brownfield land available in the city centre.
4. I object to a huge influx of people pressurising our overstretched NHS services and schools.
5. I object to a new water treatment facility, a sewage works, with provision to pump raw sewage into the river Clywedog.
6. I object to these 5 pieces of environmental vandalism devaluing our community, our landscape and existing local properties in order to maximise Redrow profits.