No to 1680 houses off Cefn Rd/Holt Rd

The Welsh Labour Government have insisted on excessive levels of housing development in Wrecsam. Despite local Councillors twice voting against these plans, developers took the council to court and Councillors were threatend with jail if they failed to adopt the plan. The plan, known as the LDP,  was subequently adopted in December 2023. Councillors have launched a legal challenge which is due to be heard in the coming months.

This plan includes a super estate of 1680 houses in total off the Cefn Rd/Holt Rd. An application for 600 houses has already been submitted by Barratt and Bloor homes, with the Harworth group beginning consultation on plans for an additional 900 houses. Additional applications may also be submitted.

We the undersigned do not support plans for a super estate of 1680 houses off Cefn rd/Holt rd. We object for the following reasons:

  • Loss of Green fields 
  • Lack of affordability 
  • No local need as population is static/slightly declining
  • Pressure on local GP's 
  • Pressure on the Maelor hospital
  • Lack of local Dentists 
  • Local highway at capacity already
  • Pressure on local schools
  • General pressure on stretched local infrastrucure such as water, sewage etc
  • Flood risk

Who's signing

Paris Green
Ryan Davies
Alex downward
Tracy Hughes
Lewis Walker
Lisa Powell
Lisa Thomas
Steven Connolly
Tom Upshaw
Jemma Ali
Harry Griffiths
Mathew Evans
Allyce Francis
Cooke Sian
Bhanu Makwana
Fi Morgan-Davies
Scott Caren
Delisa Edwards
Paula Luckhurst
lindsay bostock-deakin
Karen De Verteuil
Rebecca Suckley
Jennifer Bevan
Helen Clapton
Veronica Elaine Johnson
Natalie Davenport
Helen Barratt
Barbara Jones
Celine Tomlinson
Kieron Torrens
1,210 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 760 reactions

  • Paris Green
    signed 2024-06-16 10:10:04 +0100
  • Ryan Davies
    signed 2024-06-13 20:39:17 +0100
  • Alex downward
    signed 2024-06-05 06:05:22 +0100
  • Tracy Hughes
    signed 2024-06-02 12:49:05 +0100
  • Lewis Walker
    signed 2024-06-01 12:15:46 +0100
  • Lisa Powell
    signed 2024-05-31 22:48:09 +0100
    This is an awful idea. Taking our green areas and putting even more pressure on public services that are already struggling.
  • Lisa Thomas
    signed 2024-05-31 22:35:49 +0100
  • Steven Connolly
    signed 2024-05-24 19:16:12 +0100
    There is already too many houses for the one hospital in Wrexham as it is. Until a new hospital is built in the Wrexham area there should be a stop on all new houses being build in Wrexham until this is addressed. Over population to just one hospital leads to long waiting times in A&E which already sit around the 8 to 9 hour mark. It also means people are not seen soon enough therefore putting more lives at risk. By building these houses, it is clear that the people of Wrexham and not just the immediate vicinity of the proposed dwellings are not in the best interests of the government despite being the ones who pay to keep services going. All the above also doesn’t go into thinking about doctors surgeries, schools, police etc. Resources are being stretched thinner and thinner by more housing and not improving the resources like hospitals and surgeries that are ACTUALLY NEEDED by the people of Wrexham.
  • Tom Upshaw
    signed 2024-05-23 23:39:13 +0100
  • Jemma Ali
    signed 2024-05-23 22:31:14 +0100
  • Harry Griffiths
    signed 2024-05-23 18:16:55 +0100
  • Mathew Evans
    signed 2024-05-22 09:54:21 +0100
    Losing green space
  • Allyce Francis
    signed 2024-05-20 21:57:41 +0100
  • Cooke Sian
    signed via 2024-05-18 05:44:04 +0100
    We cannot sustain yet more housing projects without extra Doctors, dentists schools etc. The pressure on the hospital is already immense so the idea of another almost 2000 houses is ridiculous. Also it will be taking up invaluable green space.
  • Bhanu Makwana
    signed 2024-05-17 15:01:36 +0100
  • Fi Morgan-Davies
    signed via 2024-05-17 11:27:33 +0100
  • Scott Caren
    signed via 2024-05-17 10:18:27 +0100
  • Delisa Edwards
    signed via 2024-05-17 07:35:07 +0100
    Too many houses in wrexham already. Can’t get into doctors, hospital is full and more and more houses keep being built
  • Paula Luckhurst
    signed via 2024-05-17 07:34:55 +0100
  • lindsay bostock-deakin
    signed via 2024-05-17 06:08:40 +0100
  • Karen De Verteuil
    signed via 2024-05-16 23:09:21 +0100
    Stop building houses we want to keep some of the field and the wildlife that live there
  • Rebecca Suckley
    signed via 2024-05-16 22:21:37 +0100
  • Jennifer Bevan
    signed via 2024-05-16 21:25:49 +0100
  • Helen Clapton
    signed 2024-05-16 20:54:11 +0100
  • Veronica Elaine Johnson
    signed via 2024-05-16 18:49:40 +0100
  • Natalie Davenport
    signed via 2024-05-16 17:49:44 +0100
  • Helen Barratt
    signed 2024-05-16 17:00:58 +0100
  • Barbara Jones
    signed 2024-05-16 16:28:23 +0100
    This is getting out of hand there will be no green areas around Wrexham
  • Celine Tomlinson
    signed via 2024-05-16 15:37:31 +0100
  • Kieron Torrens
    signed via 2024-05-16 15:22:04 +0100

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.
